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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Spartan Special Ops 2014

What's up party people!? I am just chilling myself. Just got done with another session of DDPYOGA that is helping me change my life to get me ready for these Spartan Races that I have coming up.

So guess what guys? One of the coolest things is happening on Feb 15, 2014. The REEBOK SPARTAN RACE SPECIAL OPS TAMPA!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!! I am talking about some of the gnarliest obstacles SPARTAN RACE can throw at you with an influx of Special ops maneuvers thrown in for good measure! Doesn't that sound fun? Oh come on, You might have your Trifecta medal or even striving for it this year, but I wouldn't miss this race. Promised to be one of a kind. Even a cool one-of-a-kind Finisher's Medal.

So, what's it going to be? Another year on the couch where I was last year, or is this the year you get off your excuses and make a change? Prove it to me if you want to change and sign up, show up, and never give up! SEE YOU AT THE FINISH LINE!!